Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Be A Millionaire?

Just to share how you can be a millionaire..

1. Join a reality show "who wants to be a millionaire" and win the contest
2. Win a Lucky Draw contest
3. Legacy family property
4. Robber bank, shopping complex, millionaire house, gold storage and etc..

Just kidding.. You cannot be a millionaire just by using that ways.. Forget about all manners above.. It's not really suitable for everyone.. Here are some of the true ways to be a millionaire which are:-

1. Keep saving your money every month continuously
2. Invest your money (gold, house, land, active unit trust etc)
3. Join Multilevel Marketing (MLM) and sponsor downline continuously
4. Sell something by using these simple principle:

-Sell anything that costing RM0.10 to 10,000,000 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM1 to 1,000,000 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM10 to 100,000 cutomer
-Sell anything that costing RM100 to 10,000 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM1,000 to 1,000 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM10,000 to 100 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM100,000 to 10 customer
-Sell anything that costing RM1,000,000 to only 1 customer...

Wow!!! The last method looks interesting... It's looks like very easy to be a milionare and it's not possible everyone can be a millionaire.. just selling something from RM0.10 to RM1,000,000...

So if you really want to be a milionare, you need to start right now. Think any product that you can sell and make you a millionaire. Somehow, you have to think...
-selling a low cost item to more people
-selling a high cost item to least people...

Which one is look easy and simple for you? Hahaha.. You have to see this site (click here) and share some ideas and tips from successful milionaires...

Sekapur Sireh Dari Minda Jutawan

Assalamualaikum wbt dan Salam Sejahtera buat semua pembaca Blog ini..

Blog ini bertujuan untuk berkongsi kisah-kisah individu yang berusaha keras untuk menjadi seorang jutawan. Disamping itu, saya akan berkongsi dengan anda semua beberapa tips dan idea ke arah manjadi seorang jutawan yang berjaya..

Apa itu Jutawan? Dan siapa dia Jutawan? Jutawan adalah seseorang individu memiliki kekayaan bersih meliputi harta, aset, dan lain-lain sumber pendapatan yang melebihi satu juta unit mata wang. Ia juga merupakan seseorang yang mempunyai satu juta unit mata wang di dalam akaun bank atau simpanan.

Jutawan boleh jadi sesiapa sahaja dari kalangan kita semua. Oleh itu, janganlah kita memandang rendah ke atas kebolehan kita sendiri kerana setiap orang daripada kita mempunyai potensi dan kemampuan untuk menjadi seorang jutawan.

Jadi teruskan membaca blog ini. Diharapkan kisah-kisah jutawan yang akan saya kongsikan dengan anda semua dapat menyuntik semangat anda untuk berusaha keras ke arah menjadi salah seorang Jutawan yang berjaya di Malaysia..

Pepatah ada berkata, "Untuk mencapai kejayaan besar dalam kehidupan kita, kita harus mempunyai semangat untuk berusaha keras. Tidak ada yang mustahil selagi kita mempunyai keyakinan, ketekunan dan keberanian". Semoga bergembira dan selamat Maju Jaya!

Ikhlas Dari,
Admin Minda Jutawan

(English Version)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and peace to all readers of this blog...

This blog is intend to share the stories of individuals who are working hard to be a millionaire. Besides, I'll sharing with all of you some tips and ideas towards being a successful millionaire...

What is a Millionaire? And Who? Millionaire is a kind of person or individual whose net worth or wealth exceeds one million units of currency. It can also be a person who owns one million units of currency in a bank account or savings account.

Millionaire could be anyone of us. So, do not look down upon your ability because everyone of us has endless potential and ability to be a millionaire...

So, keep on reading this blog. Hope the millionaires stories that I'll be sharing with all of you could inject the spirit to strive hard to become one of the successful MILLIONAIRE in Malaysia...

Quote said, "To achieve great accomplishment in life, we must have a hardworking spirit. Nothing is impossible with confidence, perseverance and courage". Enjoy and Good Luck!

Admin Minda Jutawan